What Else Do You Need For Your Beauty Except Makeup?
February 4, 2018 is a Chinese solar terms, LiChun. According to Chinese Lunar Calender, the spring season comes after one of our solar terms, “LiChun”. LiChun means the beginning of the spring season, the temprature would increase, the trees would turn green, the revier would unfrozen and the animals would wakeup from sleeping.
We also believe that after long cold time, spring is a great time to eat tonic food to bring more energy to our body. Vegetables, fruits, fish etc are the best choices to gain protein and vitamin.
Spring season is also a good time to feed our skin for moisturizing and brighting. Here is a list of foods that have the most vitamins and minerals necessary for the skin.
Eggs are rich in collagen-producing proteins and vitamin A, which maintains the skin's elasticity and vitality. Also in the eggs are many other useful minerals, vitamins D, B12.
Eating tomato is an easy way to get a good dose of lycopene, one of the strongest natural oxidants that has antibacterial properties, combats skin aging processes. Also, it can help protect you from sun exposure. Fresh tomatoes are great source of lycopene. Medium sized tomatoes can supply the body with vitamin C ,vitamin A ,Vitamin K and other essential minerals, proteins needed to maintain a healthy skin condition.
Do you want to know the sweet snack that won’t getting weight but also good for your skin? Black chocolate is the secret you are looking for. It protects the skin against the negative effects of ultra-violet sunlight. The benefits of black chocolate are unquestionably - its beans are rich in antioxidants, which slow down skin aging processes and reduce the likelihood of skin cancer.
These berries accumulate large amounts of vitamins A, vitamins B, vitamin C and especially high levels of vitamin E, which helps to fight various infections and nourishes the skin, hair and nails. Even with the heat treatment of blackberries, they retain high levels of vitamin E.
Sweet potatos are rich in selenium, a mineral that protects the skin from harm of free radicals and reduces the formation of wrinkles. The bright orange batat color indicates that these vegetables contain a lot of carotenoids like beta-carotene and others that help cells to absorb water. Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants that help reduce the risk of cancer and slow down aging processes. Vitamin C stimulates the formation of collagen needed to maintain the skin's elasticity.
Green tea is rich in vitamins and trace elements, as well as fluorine, zinc iodine, copper and manganese. According to the research, polyphenols and polysaccharides in green tea are useful not only for the whole body, but also have a very effective effect on the skin.
This small fruit contains a real bomb of Vitamin C that purported health benefits include better sleep and skin health. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient and antioxidant; it helps prevent damage caused by the sun, pollution, and smoke, smoothes wrinkles, and improves overall skin texture.
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